Tranquil Aftermath Painting Collection Book by Jonathan Weiner

Tranquil Aftermath Painting Collection Book by Jonathan Weiner
Tranquil Aftermath Painting Collection Book by Jonathan Weiner. Tranquil Aftermath features the inspired work of Brooklyn/New York based fine artist Jonathan Weiner. Through allegory, surrealism and distinctive style, Jonathan confronts themes facing New York's contemporary society, such as violence, alienation, morality and power. This book includes pages of sketches and oil paintings, including Tranquil Aftermath, Puncture Wound, and the Playing with Kittens series. Jonathan Weiner's inspired vision is beautifully reproduced on archival paper, hard bound and smythe-sewn into an 8" x 10" book. Over 72 full color reproductions, sketches and family photographs fill the pages of this first of many volumes by a emerging and important artist, oil painter Jonathan Weiner. Introductory texts by John Purlia and Jonathan Weiner, with a closing piece written by Jonathan LeVine.
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Artist Jonathan Weiner
Medium Book